
HealPay Expands to CBD Payment Processing

By: LaToya Irby

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Accepting online payments has been difficult for CBD sellers, even those following the legal requirements, since many processors consider the industry high-risk. Because of misconceptions about CBD products, many payment companies are hesitant to board CBD companies, making it difficult for legitimate businesses to take advantage of growing consumer demand.

Starting today, HealPay is working with hemp-derived CBD sellers to safely and securely accept electronic payments for their products. Our long-standing partnerships with payment processors and experience with high-risk industries position us to help CBD sellers grow their businesses by expanding their payment options.

Our PCI-compliant payment gateways can be digitally integrated with popular payment technologies allowing you to reach more customers while processing transactions at competitive rates. Businesses can take advantage of our cloud-based payment software to allow customers to pay online or key-in payments through our virtual terminal.

We continue to work to understand the nuances and risks involved with processing CBD payments and leverage our partnerships to offer merchant services to CBD sellers.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about our merchant services and payment software.